Welfare Work
The well-being of Karelia students is POKA’s number one priority. Equality is a core value in everything we do. We create student well-being through our various services, especially by focusing on events, leisure and caring atmosphere called VIP activities and tutoring. We organize a wide range of activities on campus, in Joensuu and sometimes we go on excursions further afield.
Peer support from students to students is one of the best things about studying! Get the most out of your study time: meet people, participate in activities, network and have fun!
In project Cultural Diversity of Study Paths we develope POKA’s international competence, services and support for international students and acitivities to bring all Karelia UAS’ students together. #kareliaforall #comeasyouare #monikulttuurisetopintopolut

Follow us on Instagram @varmapoka, get the Kide.app and also check our website for upcoming events.