Karelia UAS tutoring is organised by POKA. POKA recruits and trains about 80 tutors annually and coordinates tutor activities. In addition, together with Karelia, we train VIP (VIP activities means atmosphere of caring) students from each starting group. Get involved in a fun and useful activity – you also get credits for being a tutor!
Peer tutoring / Degree tutoring
Peer tutors provide peer support for new students in their field. Peer tutors support new students in their early stages of their studies and organise activities that help them to bond and build a sense of community. Peer tutors also introduce Karelia and their field of study to potential future students and act as guides during selection tests. The peer tutors are supported by the POKA tutor division, which consists of students who have served as tutors.
New tutors are recruited each year in February. Stay tuned and apply! For more information about the activities, please contact [email protected] or contact your tutor or teacher.

Apply to become a degree tutor 3.-16.2.2025. Click here to find out more!
Student Union POKA is looking for degree tutors for academic year 2025-2026 – apply >>
As a degree tutor, you will get…
- a good training and support from POKA and Karelia!
- 1-5 credits depending on the tutoring hours
- new friends!
- an opportunity to arrange and be part of different kind of free-time activities
- A tutor T-shirt and an overall badge!
What do degree tutors do? Tutors tasks are…
- to present and to represent Karelia UAS and POKA
- help new students in your study field to adapt to Finland and make they feel warmly welcome to Joensuu
- assist in practical matters and be willing to help and support in many ways
- support in studies
- increase communality and a good team spirit
No specials requirements for being a tutor – just an open mind and willing to help!
Tutor training:
1. 8.4., Wärtsilä campus
2. Sat 26.4., Tikkarinne campus
3. 13.8., Wärtsilä campus
Exchange tutoring
Exchange tutors act as guides and support persons for exchange students arriving in Karelia. The tutors help with practical matters and organise fun social activities for exchange students. Tutors work in English and tutor exchange students from all fields.
New tutors are recruited twice a year. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Apply to become an exchange tutor 3.-16.2.2025. Click here to find out more!
Student Union POKA is looking for exchange tutors for Autumn semester 2025! Application period starts on 3rd of February 2025!
As an exchange tutor, you will get…
- a good training and support from POKA and Karelia!
- 1-5 credits depending on the tutoring hours
- new friends!
- an opportunity to arrange and be part of different kind of free-time activities
- A tutor T-shirt and an overall badge!
What do exchange tutors do? Tutors tasks are…
- to present and to represent Karelia UAS and POKA
- help exchange students to adapt to Finland and make they feel warmly welcome to Joensuu
- assist in practical matters and be willing to help and support exchange students in many ways
- work together as a group with other exchange student tutors
No specials requirements for being a tutor – just an open mind and willing to help! Basic English skills are enough and you will learn more.
Tutor training is compulsory for becoming a tutor, so I hope you can attend one training on Saturday 26.4., and our second training in August. Details of the tutor training will be published later!
VIP – Atmosphere of caring activities / Group trustee activities
VIP – atmosphere of caring or group trustee acitivity is a model that creates a sense of community and a caring atmosphere in POKA and Karelia. Volunteer VIP students are selected from each group to create a sense of community and ensure that no one is left out of the group. VIP students participate in VIP training sessions about once a month during the academic year and also receive credits for their participation. VIP students are selected during September – ask your tutor/teacher for more information!