Karelia friend activities

Friend Activities

Karelia Friend – “Kaveriksi Karelian kansainväliselle opiskelijalle” 

Welcome to join Karelia Friend Activities where Karelia UAS international students and Joensuu local people can get to know each other, explore new cultures and languages, and make friends!   

What are Karelia Friend Activities? 

The aim of these activities is to promote networking, integration, community, openness, interaction, and learning from each other. The activities are mainly in English. Friendship also provides an opportunity to practice Finnish and other languages together. A local friend offers an international student the chance to experience everyday life in Joensuu. At the same time, the Finnish participant gets a unique opportunity to broaden their worldview and learn new things. In the best case, this activity provides unforgettable experiences and lifelong friends.  

What to do with a Karelia Friend?

Having coffee, cooking, baking, outdoor activities, sports, crafts, celebrating Finnish holidays, playing board games, exploring Joensuu, and enjoying nature are all great ways to spend time together. Student Union POKA’s members or SYKETTÄ Sports Services’ users can borrow POKA’s sports equipment and board games for free.  

Common rules and principles of the activities

Applicants are matched based on their applications. Special attention is given to stated preferences and interests. Not all preferences can be accommodated, and a match cannot be guaranteed for everyone. After matching, applicants will receive a letter with information about the common rules and an invitation to a joint introductory meeting on April 29th. 

The matched pair decides together what activities to do and how often to meet. Both local people and international students are expected to actively participate and show genuine interest in each other and each other’s culture. What may seem like ordinary activities to a Finnish people can be very interesting to an international student. International students are also encouraged to share aspects of their own culture with their friend. Participants may have cultural or religious practices and customs that should be discussed with their friend. 

Karelia UAS, WiNK, Cultural Diversity of Study Paths, or the student union POKA are not responsible for the individuals participating in the activities. All activities are considered leisure time, and no one is insured by the UAS, projects, or the student union. The well-being, safety, and cultural differences of both parties must be considered in all activities. 

The activities should not incur unreasonable costs for participants (e.g., bus fares, entrance fees). Applicants are not financially responsible for each other and are not obligated to cover any costs that may arise from the activities. 

Finnish participants are not responsible for arranging housing, banking, residence permits, or similar matters for international students. Participants are not required to perform tasks (e.g., babysitting or household chores) for their friend. 

Participation is committed but voluntary. Either party has the right to withdraw from the activities. If any issues arise, they should be reported to: [email protected]. The organizers have the right to remove a person from the friendship activities. 

Who can apply and how? 

All citizens and Karelia UAS students can apply! You can apply individually or with your spouse or family. Our team will match friends based on the applications.   

Apply by 13.4. Link will be opened on 17.3.!

All applicants will be invited to a joint kick-off meeting on April 29th. In the meeting, all applicants will meet their friends and learn about the activities – what Karelia Friend is and what it is not.   

The activities will take place from May to October 2025. Of course, we hope that the friendship continues long after that.   

More info 

The activities are organized by projects WiNK – Töihin Pohjois-Karjalaan and Cultural Diversity of Study Paths, and Student Union POKA.  

Questions? Please feel free to contact: [email protected] / +35850 438 9071