It’s POKAtober! What? In POKAtober, we celebrate POKA’s services and importance:
- advocacy and influencing
- membership and benefits
- student welfare and events
In Karelia UAS, we act as your advocate and as a voice for students. We select student representatives for Karelia UAS’ working groups to bring out the students’ point of view in decision-making. As a member of POKA, you can take initiatives if you have suggestions on things to take forward or develop. By becoming a member, a small slice of your membership fee also goes to the advocacy of the interests of UAS students implemented by our umbrella organization SAMOK. Without SAMOK, there would be no work to improve the status of UAS students and no benefits already achieved, e.g. travel discounts, Kela’s meal subsidy, etc. Because of the development sites promoted nationally by SAMOK, also locally POKA has developed Karelia UAS over the years, e.g. establishing the student welfare officers’ services and SYKETTÄ sport services and the house rules for safer space! At the moment, the hot potato is, for example, the effects of the Finnish government budget on students’ livelihoods and well-being and tuition fees. By becoming a member of POKA, you support all this important advocacy work locally and nationally! #pokastandsupforyou
As a member, you can go to the first seat to make an impact and make a better UAS! As a member, you can run for or vote in November in POKA’s elections of council of representatives – to decide on all major policies and issues in POKA. As a member, you can also apply to POKA’s board to implement activities for 2025! In the board, you network, grow your skills in many areas and do concrete things for your own and other students’ well-being <3 #thereisalottolikeinpoka
As a member, you get all national, local, POKA’s own and Slice.fi’s student benefits. During POKAtober, we highlight delicious pieces of Slice’s benefits, which are waiting for you one click away by becoming a member or renewing your membership, click >> As part of POKAtober, we also organize a 1500 members raffle! Anyone can be the 1500th member and win a prize! So be #varmapoka
POKA wouldn’t be POKA without strong student welfare work <3 Coming in October: Amazing Race Joensuu, free breakfasts, student forum, sports afternoon, exchange tutor search… Stay on the map by following @varmapoka on Instagram and our website: https://pokapoka.fi/en/events/ POKA is a non-profit organization; the proceeds from the events go back to activities aimed at students! #comeasyouare #kareliaforall