Etusivu » Data Breach on the Student Union’s Membership Registry Servers

Data Breach on the Student Union’s Membership Registry Servers

Dear Student Union POKA’s Member,

Unfortunately, we must inform you that the web and database servers of our membership registry provider, Hakosalo Innovations Oy,, were subjected to a data breach during the night between Monday and Tuesday, 21-22 October 2024.

Upon detecting the breach, the membership registry provider, in cooperation with their service provider, took immediate action. The breach was stopped, and security levels were further increased. A report was promptly filed with the Cybersecurity Center of Traficom and the Data Protection Ombudsman. Additionally, a criminal report was made to the police.

The provider conducted a thorough investigation with their service provider, and based on these findings, no data was downloaded from the servers. In the breach, the server’s data content was rendered unusable. All server data content was restored from backups, resulting in the loss of one day’s changes in the membership registry.

The provider has also taken measures to further enhance security to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

We appreciate your understanding in this situation.

Petri Hakosalo  
+358 40 591 5668  
[email protected]  

Hakosalo Innovations Oy