
Hi, new student!

We are POKA, the Student Union of Karelia University of Applied Sciences, and we warmly welcome you to Karelia! Here are a few important points from our perspective on how you can make the most of student benefits!

Student Union Membership – Why not join right away and get the most out of it? 

  • With the help of our members, we can organize free time activities and student culture according to the interests of students at Karelia. 
  • Our most important task is to protect students’ rights and interests both locally and nationally. Once you’ve paid the POKA membership fee, you’ll immediately have access to the Tuudo student card and all national student benefits. Additionally, you’ll get access to Finland’s largest student benefit service, the Slice student card, which offers even more perks! You’ll receive an activation code for the Slice student card via email 1-2 days after paying the membership fee. 
  • Don’t hesitate – join us as a member here: 


  • Our student union will be visible on campus, with stands in the lobbies from the very first weeks. Please stop by to say hi and get to know us – we’re here for you!
  • Haalaripiknik (Wear your overalls picnic) at Ilosaari on August 28th – come meet the members of our board and representatives.
  • Famky on September 12th is our biggest checkpoint race at the start of the academic year! So, gather a team, buy tickets on, dress according to the theme “there is still summer left”, and jump into the most exciting party of the start of the school year! By the way, is a useful app to download right away, as it has all the best student events! 
  • POKA members always get a discounted price at our events!
    There’s more fun to come throughout the autumn – stay tuned! 

POKA Offices Our office staff are here to help and advise you on the Tikkarinne and Wärtsilä campuses on weekdays and by appointment. Feel free to drop by for any reason whenever our doors are open. Learn more about our office services here: 

Follow Us – Stay Informed! POKA’s Instagram is packed with all kinds of information about what’s happening on our campuses and in Joensuu – so make sure to follow @varmapoka, and you’ll always be in the loop on important events! (Psst! Facebook/OpiskelijakuntaPoka)
Also, follow our mascot duck and its trail. Where the Duck is – there’s POKA!

Best regards,

The POKA Team