Ihmisiä juhlimassa

Autumn 2024 – network and have fun!

Tips for the beginning of autumn 2024 – network and have fun! 

Hello! Glad you came to check out the tips for the beginning of autumn 2024 in Joensuu and online! The list has been compiled by Karelia UAS’ Cultural Diversity of Study Paths project and Karelia UAS’ Student Union POKA. Thank you to all our local partners for compiling the tips! 

Save the dates 

  • Student Union POKA informes/organizes upcoming events: 
    • Speed Dating at Tikkarinne campus (Tarmon tupa) on 20.9. Come and chat with other students! In Finnish: 10.45-11.15 and in English 11.45-12.15
    • POKA’s organization days on 24.-25.9. 
    • Amazing Race Joensuu in October: https://kide.app/events/f3312b04-378b-44b2-8166-4e6fedf782a2  
    • Sports Afternoon by SYKETTÄ on 2.10.
    • Keep updated: @varmapoka and pokapoka.fi  
  • Joensuu city informs:
    • Getting to know the Library on Thursday 3rd of October at 5-7pm, Koskikatu 25, Joensuu. We’ll visit Joensuu Main library and learn its services, find out how you can borrow books and we’ll get the library cards for all who would like to have one. The library has a lot to offer for the whole family! The registration is open until previous day 3pm. Registration:  Getting to know the Library (joensuu.fi)
    • NON STOP Theater every Monday at 5.30pm to 7pm in Black Box of a Sport Center of Sirkkala (Sirkkalantie 12 B). We would like to invite you for joining the drama and dancing activities in our open Nonstop theater. Every week we practice different theater styles and approaches as well as learning about various dancing genres from all over the world. Participation is possible both ways – every week or occasionally of your preference. The theater Nonstop is open for families, school children and everyone of alla ges. An additional activity for little children can be arranged, if a family has such need. Theater activities are guided by professional and experienced instructors from RanKids and KIEKU teams. There is no need of previous experience. Participation is free of charge. There will be also an opportunity to practice Finnish and English.
    • NON STOP Art every Wednesday (starting from 18th of Sep) at 3-6pm in Pielisjoki School (Pielisjoen koulu), Sirkkalantie 12, Joensuu. If you are into art, come and try different drawing techincs with us. We will do various exercises for drawing technics and complete some tasks during several sessions. You can attend lessons according to your schedule, for three, two or for one hour. Activities are meant for young people and adults. Welcome! More information: [email protected]
  • More events in Joensuu? Please check out Joensuu event calendar: https://tapahtumat.joensuu.fi/en-FI 
  • What happens in Karelia UAS? Check out calendar in Student Intra Pakki! 

Places to visit 



More tips 

  • SYKETTÄ Sports Services provide a variety of sports: group exercises, ball sports and gym. Free trial period is coming! Read more: https://xn--sykett-gua.fi/joensuu/en/ and @syketta_jns. Activity test days on 18.9.
  • Activities of the Joensuu Lutheran Parish student cooperation: @oppilaitospappijoensuu 
  • To find out about the activities organized by Joensuu’s Exchange and International Students JEIS, please check out @jeis_isyy  

Student Union POKA wishes you a wonderful beginning to the new academic year! 

  • POKA’s offices are located in both campuses at Tikkarinne and Wärtsilä campuses. Please contact Tiia: [email protected] / Wärtsilä or Paula: [email protected] / Tikkarinne 
  • p.s. Do you have some more tips or invites beside this list? Or do you want to know more about the listed tips? Please contact Tiia: [email protected] / +358 50 438 9071