Spring 2025 – network and have fun!
Tips for the beginning of spring 2025 – network and have fun!
Hello! Glad you came to check out the tips for the beginning of spring 2025 in Joensuu and online! The list has been compiled by Karelia UAS’ Cultural Diversity of Study Paths project and Karelia UAS’ Student Union POKA. Thank you to all our local partners for compiling the tips!
Save the dates
- Welcome to activities and events organized by Student Union POKA!
- Friends’ Day on 14.2.
- Welfare Fair at campus lobbies on 19.-20.2.
- Talviolympialaiset – Winter Olympics Checkpoint race on 27.3.
- Monthly free time activities!
- Monthly Learn Finnish group: https://kareliauas.sharepoint.com/sites/PakkiNews/SitePages/Discover-Joensuu-%26-learn-Finnish.aspx
- Keep updated: @varmapoka and pokapoka.fi and Kide.app
- Kiekujoensuu’s Hobby Fair on 6.2. at 5-7 pm in Sirkkala Sport Center: https://www.instagram.com/p/DE687phOTkv/?img_index=1
- Työtä! karnevaalit – job recruitment event on 20.2.: https://luotsijoensuu.fi/tyotakarnevaalit
- More events in Joensuu? Please check out Joensuu event calendar: https://tapahtumat.joensuu.fi/en-FI
- Student events? Check out Kide.app: https://kide.app/
- What happens in Karelia UAS? Check out calendar in Student Intra Pakki and Tuudo!
Places to visit
- Interested in culture and sports? Best places for outdooring? Please check out Joensuu web page: https://www.joensuu.fi/en/web/english/culture-and-leisure
- What else would you like to know about Joensuu? Please contact Joensuu Moving Agent, [email protected]
- The library of Joensuu has many services besides books and magazines: facilities, games, movies, music, art, groups…
- You can also use the library’s services during self-service hours from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. by signing a contract at the library (Rantakylä, Nepenmäki and Karsikko libraries).
- Language Cafe: https://vaara.finna.fi/FeedContent/kaikki_tapahtumat_muu_tapahtuma?element=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.vaarakirjastot.fi%2F%3Fpost_type%3Dtribe_events%26p%3D21674&lng=fi
- Family mornings: https://vaara.finna.fi/FeedContent/kaikki_tapahtumat_lapset?element=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.vaarakirjastot.fi%2F%3Fpost_type%3Dtribe_events%26p%3D21645&lng=fi
- Book club to learn Finnish by reading: https://vaara.finna.fi/FeedContent/kaikki_tapahtumat_kirjallisuus?element=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.vaarakirjastot.fi%2F%3Fpost_type%3Dtribe_events%26p%3D21476&lng=fi
- Please check out the services: https://vaara.finna.fi/?lng=en-gb and @vaarakirjastot (fb, IG), @vaarazone (IG, TikTok)
- ViaDia flea market and cafe in Venetie 10: https://joensuu.viadia.fi/kirpputori/ (web page in Finnish)
- Other flea markets? https://www.pohjoiskarjala.com/kunnat/joensuu/yritykset/joensuun-kirpputorit (web page in Finnish)
- Nature experiences in North Karelia: https://www.instagram.com/hotufinders?igsh=Y3VmankzbDRmdTU0
- With kids? Please visit Lähiötalo Joensuu for families (web page only in Finnish: https://joensuu.viadia.fi/lahiotalo/) and Joensuu Perheentalo (family house, web page only in Finnish): https://www.pelastakaalapset.fi/joensuun-perheentalo/)
- Lähiötalo Summer Event on 17.6.
- Global Friday by Joensuun Setlementti: https://setlementtijoensuu.fi/global-friday
- Nyyti’s Chat is a place for sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences. Chats will cover subjects surrounding issues that affect students’ daily lives: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/chat/?_gl=1*1efhqt2*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTMzMTU1NDMxLjE3MjI1MDE3NjU.*_ga_BB9D7QV1L6*MTcyMjUwMTc2NC4xLjEuMTcyMjUwMTkzNC4wLjAuMA..*_ga_YCGYB5MTSM*MTcyMjUwMTc2NC4xLjEuMTcyMjUwMTkzNC4wLjAuMA..
- FSHS’ online groups for wellbeing: Welcome to English speaking groups! https://www.yths.fi/en/news/2024/the-groups-for-the-spring-semester-2025-have-been-published-on-our-website-welcome-to-english-speaking-groups/
- Finnish Language courses. Many opportunities! Check out for example web page of International House Joensuu: https://www.internationaljoensuu.fi/en/web/international-house-joensuu/finnish-language-courses
- Jomoni’s Language Cafe https://www.jomoni.fi/kielikahvila.html
- Luotsi’s Language Cafe https://tapahtumat.joensuu.fi/fi-FI/page/66e7c7e69bde095f3c58ba8c/kielikahvila
- Luotsi’s Job info https://tapahtumat.joensuu.fi/fi-FI/page/65ca083273015b6551848c41
- Discover Joensuu and Learn Finnish https://kareliauas.sharepoint.com/sites/PakkiNews/SitePages/Discover-Joensuu-%26-learn-Finnish.aspx
- In Juttuklubi you meet employers, network and discuss about Finnish working life: https://www.karelia.fi/en/juttuklubi-joensuu-eng/
- The adult education center of Joensuu Area has many kinds of courses: https://www.joensuunseudunkansalaisopisto.fi/en/etusivu-english/
- The Create, Craft & Fin(n)ish course! https://registration.contio.fi/uef/Registration/Login?id=8726-T_8726-10064
More tips
- SYKETTÄ Sports Services provide a variety of sports: group exercises, ball sports and gym.
- SYKETTÄ Joensuu 10 years – party activities throughout the year, more information coming on SYKETTÄ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/syketta_jns/
- Spring 2025 Sports afternoon on 25.2.2025, the schedule will be published on 4.2.2025
- Spring 2025 physical activity tests on Sports afternoon 25.2.2025, enrollment starts on 4.2.2025
- Winter cycling competition Kilometrikisa 1.1.-28.2.2025: https://xn--sykett-gua.fi/joensuu/en/kilometrikisa-cycling-competition/
- Activities of the Joensuu Lutheran Parish student cooperation: Ice Hockey, Friends’ Day, 1st of May, trips etc. @oppilaitospappijoensuu or [email protected]
- International activities of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, for example Friday Night Light: https://www.joensuunseurakunnat.fi/international
- To find out about the activities organized by Joensuu’s Exchange and International Students JEIS, please check out @jeis_isyy
- Open hangout nights organized by local LGBTQIA+ rights NGO North Karelia Seta: https://pohjoiskarjalanseta.fi/ryhma/english-speaking-lgbtqia-hangouts/
- Setlementti organizes (www.setlementtijoensuu.fi):
- Boys’ Clubs on Mondays from 3-7 p.m., for those aged 12-10 who identify as boys
- Girls’ Clubs on Tuesdays from 3-7 p.m., for those aged 12-10 who identify as girls
- Moninaisuus meissä (Diversity in us) – lgbtq+ youth evenings on Thursdays from 3-7 p.m., 12-10 p.m. for those interested in themes around sexual and gender diversity.
- In addition, we train volunteer Big Siblings, who are safe adult friends for elementary school-aged youth.
- Friend for an immigrant mother? Would you like to make a new Finnish friend and learn Finnish? MLL Järvi-Suomi District operates the activities: https://jarvi-suomenpiiri.mll.fi/perheille/tukihenkilo/ystavaksi-maahanmuuttajaaidille/friend-for-an-immigrant-mother/
- Volunteer work is very popular in Finland! There are plenty of opportunities in Joensuu area. Check out the list of different kinds of organizations: https://www.lahella.fi/organisation-search?city%5B0%5D=Joensuu
- Volunteering with local NGOs can be a good way of making friends and getting to know your new home town! Would you like to get to know local associations in Joensuu through volunteering activities? Feel free to contact us for advice:
- Faiza Ahmadi, community developer, the North Karelian Society for Social Security, [email protected], 046 659 4805, www.pksotu.fi/kaksin
- Tips and support via Facebook group for Joensuu English Speakers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/JoensuuEnglishSpeakers
- Wanna find a new hobby? Please contact [email protected] or +35850 438 9071 and we can find a place and group suitable for you!
Student Union POKA wishes you a wonderful beginning to the new year!
- Enjoy the studying time with student discounts with Student Union POKA’s membership. Read more and become a member: https://pokapoka.fi/en/membership/
- POKA’s offices are located in both campuses at Tikkarinne and Wärtsilä campuses. Please contact Tiia: [email protected] / Wärtsilä or Paula: [email protected] / Tikkarinne
- p.s. Do you have some more tips or invites beside this list? Or do you want to know more about the listed tips? Please contact Tiia: [email protected] / +358 50 438 9071